What We Are Thankful For


Thank you very much for all your smiles, because like that we feel you are happy. You have influenced and motivated us to work gladly.
It’s very important for us as well because when you are happy, we are happy too, we know that this is the easiest way to be happy: to make others happy.
Thanks a lot for helping us to support local farmers and fishermen communities: although the prices is higher than in supermarkets, the quality is much better.
Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to work in our garden and implement our farm to table approach with our fruits, greens and vegetables.
Thanks a lot for helping us to support local farmers and fishermen communities: although the prices is higher than in supermarkets, the quality is much better.

Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to work in our garden and implement our farm to table approach with our fruits, greens and vegetables.
Thanks a million for helping us to keep the nature clean for next generations: we clean tables in our restaurant with lemon juice and linen oil, we don’t use any chemicals even while cleaning mattresses in the rooms.
Thanks a bunch for your vote of confidence and your trust because we know that a true paradise is not on Doc Let Beach only, nor in another place, it is in your heart, therefore the Paradise is within us.
Butterflies in our garden don’t count months but happy moments, and so do we, we wish you do too.


They provide materials for birds’ nests, a home or attachment surface for algae, sea grass, sponges and a host of other microorganisms. Fish use them to hide from predators, and hermit crabs use them as temporary shelters.


Crabs are a slurry-eater, they eat sand to digest algae, bacteria, fungi or other decomposing debris in which the sand after being digested will be discharged in the shape of a small ball, this is the reason next to the niches where the crabs live, there are many sand balls. It is the role of aerating the soil, preventing anaerobic conditions, helping to preserve the wetland environment


Coconut Trees

Coconut-based mixed cropping systems can improve microclimatic conditions, influencing air and soil temperature and soil moisture content of plantations.

Classical Music Composers

The emphasis of listening to the harmonies and rhythms of classical music together with sea sounds provide a calming affect for people, thus helping to lower their blood pressure.


John McGregor

The modern sea kayak, which is a direct descendant of those used by the Inuit and other indigenous peoples of the American Far North, was invented in 1865 by the Englishman John McGregor, who built the famous canoe known as ‘Rob Roy’.

Gonzalo Fernández De Oviedo y Valdés

A Spanish explorer, was the first to use the word “barbacoa” in print in Spain in 1526. After the Spaniards & Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492, they found the people of Taino roasting meat and seafood on a wooden framework resting on sticks above a fire. The conquerors from Spain then embraced this style of cooking and spread it to more areas of America & beyond.

Roberts, Ellis William; Sir Henry Doulton (1820-1897); The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/sir-henry-doulton-18201897-20098

John Doulton

As far back as 1827 John Doulton and his son Henry, (of English fine china and pottery fame) invented the ceramic water filter to remove bacteria from drinking water.

Dwarf Honeybees

The role of dwarf honeybee Apis florea assumes utmost importance in the context of pollinator decline throughout the world threatening stability of ecosystems and global food security. It is an important pollinator of crops in hot and dry agricultural plains.

Vladimir Mihic

A Croatian man who bought the land here and started to run Paradise Resort in 2002. Instead of luxury and expensive villas or high-rise hotel, he built bungalows in beachfront position to provide the accommodation in at affordable price for all people.